Saturday, August 31, 2019

Cooking: Julia Child and Knife Skills Class Essay

Since I stopped devouring books and using the computer much (because reading triggers migraines), I’ve been bored. I hate being bored. Every hands-on craft I try causes wrist pain that I haven’t been able to conquer. Baking is fantastic, but consuming all that I make isn’t a smart dietary strategy. So I’ve decided cooking will be my new hobby. Although deciding to do something I’ve never particularly liked for fun is a little weird, it makes a lot of sense. I’d love to have a hobby again. I like food, I need to eat, and eating better food would probably make me feel better. By approaching cooking as a hobby instead of a chore, I hope it will be fun, not the high-pressure job of reforming my diet. Ideally cooking will become something I want to do, not have to do. These are the guidelines I’ve established so I don’t exhaust myself. Is it contradictory to set goals for a hobby? Use Simple Recipes I’m currently taking Mark Bittman’s (aka The Minimalist) no-nonsense approach: Make better food in less time with fewer ingredients. I’m starting small with his very short cookbook, How to Cook Everything: Quick Cooking. It isn’t an overwhelming tome, but a short introduction to tasty basic recipes. A perfect housewarming gift for someone in their first apartment, the book includes variations for the more experienced or adventurous cook. I’m supplementing with The Minimalist Cooks at Home for variety. (It’s out-of-print, but is available used. ) I’ve owned it for four years and have liked the few things I’ve made from his books. Now my plan is to approach it methodically. Like Julie and Julia, where blogger Julie Powell set out to make every recipe in Julia Child’s Mastering The Art of French Cooking. The Minimalist’s goals are much less lofty, but the idea is the same. Buy Ingredients for One Meal at a Time. This is to avoid wasting food and feeling like I’ve failed. I broke this â€Å"rule† one day into my plan. Because this is a new hobby, not a resolution, I’ve no need to beat myself up. Good things hobbies don’t have rules. Besides, I still think I can do it. Learn New Techniques This is the part that turns work into entertainment. I’ve always been reluctant to cook meat on the stove. In fact, I’m reluctant to cook meat at all. Not only do I get to produce an edible product (however bad it may be), I expand my skills and learn new recipes. This will make my hobby more fun in the future. Tomorrow I’m taking the knife skills class I’ve wanted to take for years. It’s a morning class, so I’m confident I’ll make it this time. I’m already daydreaming about future classes. Do It I made my recipe plan yesterday morning, then Hart called to say he had a work dinner. I felt crappy, so it was fine, but my motivation is far weaker than 24 hours ago. I hope applying the techniques of the knife skills class will boost my overall motivation. Clearly there’s little difference between my new hobby and a New Year’s resolution. Since resolutions usually fail, I’m relying on the power reframing. It’s an essential skill of every optimist.

Friday, August 30, 2019

A Literature Review on the Proton Saga FLX Automative Relay Box Cover

2.1Automotive relay box screen The merchandise chosen for this survey is relay box screen from Proton Saga FLX. A relay box screen are manufacture by utilizing injection modeling procedure. The map of this screen is to avoid the H2O from flow into the relay portion that located in goon of auto. Basically, the fictile portion of automotive usage plastic from thermosetting household. The polypropene ( PP ) stuff was choose to utilize in this undertaking. Figure 2.1: Automotive relay box screen 2.2Material Polymer is a larger category of stuff that consist many little molecule known as monomer. In make up one's minding to increase the quality in merchandise that produce in plastic industry, many manner is discover to increase the quality of merchandise. Type of fictile stuff is a 1 of solution in green goods a good quality so if take a incorrect stuff will do the quality of merchandise lessening. 2.2.1Polypropylene [ PP ] Harmonizing to Tripathi ( 2002 ) polypropene ( PP ) was found by G. Natta by following work from K. Zeigler by the polymerisation of propylene monomer in 1997. Polypropylene is manufactured by add-on polymerisation and in group of semi-crystalline thermoplastic. After last four decennary, polypropene is fictile stuff which is 3rd largest consumed after Polyethylene ( PE ) and Polyvinyl Chloride ( PVC ) . Figure 2.2: Polypropylene ( PP ) construction. Beginning: hypertext transfer protocol: // Advantage of polypropene ( PP ) :Low cost technology plasticsGood chemical oppositionGood detergent oppositionGood weariness oppositionHigher opposition temperatureGood hardness, stiffness, strengthDisadvantage of polypropene ( PP ) : The chief applications of polypropene ( PP ) in different market sectors in table below:sectorTypical applicationsAutomotive industryRadiator enlargement valve, battery instances, tool boxes, bumper screens, splash guards, maneuvering wheel screen, side stripsFamily goodVideo cassettes, baggage, bottle caps, nutrient processor lodging, bowls, pail, playthingsDomestic contraptionsServe washer parts such as top frame, cellar, bath, extruded gaskets, H2O canal, etc. Refrigerator parts such as boxes, containers, shortss, canal, recess and mercantile establishment pipe Microwave oven cabinet, chainss and java shaper organic structure partsElectrical applicationsCable covering, overseas telegram yokes and antenna constituentsTable 2.1: Polypropylene ( PP ) in different sector. Beginning: Tripathi ( 2002 ) 2.3Injection Modeling Nowadays Injection casting is one of largest used in fabricating procedure by utilizing thermo-polymer and thermoset as stuff for fiction. A assortment of merchandise are manufactured by utilizing injection casting procedure because of flexibleness of merchandise end product. There are some of our day-to-day used merchandise that industry from injection procedure. For illustration compact phonograph record, toys, car bumpers, nomadic phone lodgings and tiffin boxes. Harmonizing Shin and Park ( 2013 ) the procedure of green goods some merchandise is requires three things which is injection-molding machine, natural plastic as a stuff, and cast in ( figure 2.3 ) . Injection casting is a reiterating procedure or cyclic procedure. Harmonizing Kennedy ( 2008 ) Injection modeling consists of four chief phase to finish the procedure to bring forth some merchandise in ( figure 2.4 ) . Figure 2.3: Injection modeling machine. Beginning: hypertext transfer protocol: // Figure 2.4: Four chief phase in injection casting procedure. 2.4Gate Gate placement is a chief of successful of injection modeling procedure. Gate is a like a valve for liquefied polymer through to the cast. The map of gate is really of import in injection modeling procedure to acquire a good quality of merchandise. Gate should be located at country that have less use emphasis in portion and at where decorative non really concern. If we choose a incorrect gate location the merchandise will do low quality and besides the defect will happen on the merchandise. The proper gate location can maximise quality of merchandise besides it can avoid defect to happen. Harmonizing Beaumont ( 2006 ) for gate locate at margin in a cast, more prefer use two-plate cold smuggler system. In extra, three-plate smuggler system can be used on gate that locate at inside margin. Thickness of portion is one of job in make up one's minding location of gate. Normally merchandise have fluctuations in thickness which is thin and thick portion in one merchandise. The gate must be locate at thick portion foremost compare to thin portion. This will minimise existing of defect in merchandise such as sink and nothingness at thick part and besides uncontrolled of shrinking job. During make fulling procedure the thin portion will freeze-off anterior comparison thick portion. Logically, more force per unit area must be supplied to come in the cast if gate locate at thin portion and besides chance all pit to thick portion will be blocked because of flow of melt plastic already freeze. This will ensue shrinking at thick portion besides voids, sinks, and emphasis. The bing residue emphasis will take to warpage job in fictile portion. The location gate chosen must be in this standard Beaumont ( 2006 ) :Gate must be locate at thickest portion or subdivision ( To avoid sinks, shrinking, warpage and nothingnesss. )To guarantee unvarying filling and packing gate must turn up at balance flow waySee weld line on critical subdivisionLocate at ease topographic point or subdivision for degating procedureThe gate grade should non desert the visual aspect of merchandiseGate location will supply a type of gate will usedFocus on length of flow through cast ( to guarantee adequate force per unit area to make full cast )Know the maximal value force per unit area of clinch tonnage/mold can be coveredThe size of gate besides must be concern to acquire a good quality of merchandise. Gate size must be start by smaller size foremost and increase the size until a proper wadding in pit cast bend to constant. The form of merchandise besides ensuing in choice of where gate will turn up for better quality. For 3-dimensional form ( box or cup ) more prefer gate locate at centroid of cast. This will ensue the radial flow form on portion and the filling procedure more easier besides low defect will be. In the ( table 2.2 ) below show recommended forms and location of gate.characteristicGambar dalam buku how to do injection casting Tgk Defense Intelligence Agency punya ayat balikCentric gateSmall surface to volume ratio of round cross subdivision reduces heat loss and clash.Difficult machining operation in both mold halve needed.Centric place renders separation more hard and may necessitate station operation.Gate promote jettingBizarre gateThe bizarre place of the gate installations of machining.Ease of demolding and separation from casting is another advantage.gate opening aligned to a wall impedes gushingTable 2.2: Recommended forms and location of gate. Beginning: How To Make Injection Molds-Menges and Mohren ( 1993 ) Some merchandise will confront blush grade because of portion of the frozen tegument flow with melt plastic into pit during injection procedure. After the unwanted stuff jet into pit it will do gushing this stuff non remelt in the stuff that jet into pit. Beaumont ( 2006 ) said that gushing go on because of high speed from restrictive gate jet the stuff that non yet melt. To get the better of this job by follow the guideline for gate design feature in the ( table 2.3 ) below Menges and Mohren ( 1993 ) .Gate designCharacteristicGambar Tukar ayat sekaliGate should be positioned in such manner that no jetting can happen doing troublesome grade ; melt must encroach in wall or other obstruction If gate is machined merely into one cast half, cold â€Å"skin† may be carried into pit. This besides consequence in bloom Markss. Redress: a particular cold bullet good accepts cold stuff.Centric location of gate with disconnected passage and rough walls prevent conveyance of cold surface bed. Radius at passage causes laminar flow of thaw into pit and prevent jetting.Table 2.3: Guideline for gate design characteristic. Beginning: How To Make Injection Molds-Menges and Mohren ( 1993 ) The optimal size of gate depend on:Mold temperatureMelt temperatureVolume stuff to be injected into the feelingModeling wall subdivisionThe flow feature of the stuff to be mold.2.4.1Type of gate The chief intent of gate is to link smuggler to model pit during injection procedure. So gate have many type to carry through a different cast to accomplish a good form and quality of merchandise. Basically there are three common type of gate that normally used in injection casting procedure Crawford ( 1998 ) :Sprue gatePin gateSide gate Figure 2.5: Three common type of gate normally used. Beginning: Plastic Engineering by Roy J. Crawford ( 1998 ) sprue gate 2.5Cast Cast can be defined as a portion that act as to determine fictile stuffs. The major map cast to reassign as topographic point that melt plastic will reassign into cast to organize a coveted form and chuck out when thaw plastic bend to solid. Mold consist of nucleus and pit. Basically the pit side is a side that melt plastic will flux to cavity side from nose. Core side maps as defining and besides as expulsion system after melt fictile solidify. 2.5.1Single pit cast Process production of big portion normally differ with little portion in injection casting. Rees and Catoen ( 2006 ) said that big portion are molded utilizing individual pit cast. The production of larger portion are frequently non required in a larger measure. In extra, the building of individual pit cast usage simplest building with a simple injection method and simplest expulsion portion. Figure: Single pit cast. ( Beginning: hypertext transfer protocol: // ) 2.5.2Two home base cast 2.5.3Three home base cast 2.6Variables in injection casting There some of variable that will play importance function in happening of optimal parametric quantity in injection casting procedure. The value of this parametric quantity will impact the quality of merchandise if non to the full function decently. Harmonizing to Rosato ( 2000 ) incorrect input of parametric quantity puting will take to quality of merchandise bad besides the preciseness will diminish besides will increasing the cost and clip of production. Four type of variables will used in injection casting procedure:The injection force per unit areaThe wadding force per unit areaThe mold temperatureThe thaw temperature2.6.1Injection force per unit area The injection force per unit area is a most of import parametric quantity in successfully present a thaw plastic to whole mould portion. The thaw plastic is force through the nose and present to model infinite. The job during bringing of thaw plastic, the stuff fast cooled if contact with mould surface will traveling and it causes defect if fictile non filled decently with adequate force per unit area. If force per unit area low the thaw plastic non fulfilled mould infinite and high force per unit area besides can do overpacking on merchandise. 2.6.2Packing force per unit area Packing force per unit area is a force per unit area that map to avoid a thaw plastic flow back out of mold infinite during injection modeling procedure. Packing force per unit area besides act as secondary force per unit area phase. 2.6.3Mold temperature Mold temperature is one of of import to see in during injection modeling procedure. Temperature of cast are of import in concluding portion that required surface of merchandise smooth and in good status. If mold temperature low, it will do melt fictile hard to make full besides lead to increasing of injection force per unit area. The cast with higher temperature will cut down emphasis in cast while make fulling procedure and the surface coating will better. 2.6.4Melt temperature Melt temperature known as temperature of fictile stuff to run before injection procedure. A to Higher temperature will do polymer will alter their belongingss. Melt temperature will consequence on the viscousness of thaw plastic that will through mold infinite by bringing system.ParameterValueInjection force per unit area100-130 MPaPacking force per unit areaMold temperature15-65OCMelt temperature230-275OCTable 2.4: Parameter of injection casting for polypropene ( PP ) . ( Beginning: Rees and Catoen-Selecting Injection Molds ( 2006 ) ) 2.7Defect Plastic injection casting is an effectual industry in production of plastic. In industry universe, the merchandise green goods are non in one hundred per centum ( 100 % ) in good quality production. Even in injection casting procedure besides have a same job in quality of merchandise based on defect occurred. 2.7.1Weld line Weld line normally occur during the mold filling procedure when thaw plastic flow in mold form and recombined at terminal of pit or downstream location. The surface of merchandise will look like cleft of the shaped portion and if many weld line exist in merchandise it will considered low quality merchandise. The presence of weld line ever occur in plastic cast production and it will failure the merchandise if used in structural applications due to diminishing strength at weld country. Weld line can split into two ( 2 ) types which is butt dyer's rocket and meld dyer's rocket. Butt weld occurred when thaw plastic going with antonyms way and meet. Other weld line exist when involve extra flow when thaw plastic have recombined in mold pit. This dyer's rocket called meld dyer's rocket. But most normally exist dyer's rocket is butt dyer's rocket because it cause most jobs. Figure: formation of weld line. ( Beginning: Santa Clara University – Engineering Design Center ( 2006 ) ) Gambar butt dyer's rocket and canasta line Harmonizing Malloy ( 2010 ) the weld line exist can be overcome by consider in procedure:Increase thaw and cast temperatureIncrease velocity of injectionIncrease clip and retention force per unit areaMold design must be recheck2.7.2Shrinkage Shrinking occurred during chilling clip. Shrinking happen when thaw plastic flow in cast that indirect contact with cold cast. Harmonizing Beaumont ( 2006 ) shrinking have many job and it may impact the warpage, residue emphasis and portion size. In other words, shrinking is a volume decreases as plastic cools and solidified. Pressure of expulsion to take portion from nucleus of cast will increase because of shrinking because alteration in form or warpage. Figure: Shrinking exist at thick portion lead to warpage job. ( Beginning: Santa Clara University – Engineering Design Center ( 2006 ) ) Malloy ( 2010 ) said shrinking can be avoid by:Keeping force per unit area must high plenty but low plenty to avoid of over packing go on that can take to high degree residue emphasisPreferable gate at thickest subdivision foremost compare to thin because it enable packing at thick subdivision. Thick portion hard to chill and pack because its return longer clip to chillFrom Beaumont ( 2006 ) , the shrinking can be observe by utilizing different type of stuff and it’s for mention intent merely in considered shrinking defect. Table 2.5 at below show the type of polymer shrink way flow and it mean shrinkage value.MaterialThickness consequence induces shrinkingAverage additive shrinkingmidst ( 3mm + )thin ( & lt ; 3mm )Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styreneisotropicparallel*0.0043Personal computerisotropicparallel*0.0057PSparallel*parallel**0.0035Polyvinyl chlorideperpendicular*perpendicular*0.0044HDPEparallel*parallel**0.0234PPisotropicparallel*0.0133NYLON 66perpendicular*parallel**0.01 62Definitions: Parallel- polymer shrivel more analogues to way of flow Perpendicular- polymer shrivel more perpendicular to way of flow Isotropic- additive shrinking independent of flow way *Low degree of orientation consequence **Medium degree of orientation consequence ***High degree of orientation consequenceTable 2.5: Type of polymer shrink way flow and mean shrinking value. Beginning: Beaumont ( 2006 ) 2.7.3Sink grade Sink grade are imperfectnesss of the merchandise that exist during injection procedure. Rees and Catoen ( 2006 ) said that during injection procedure, hot plastic through the thick portion in cold cast wall. The thaw plastic to the wall and solidify foremost while melt plastic fluxing in cast. This causes melt fictile hard to finish fill in pit and causes of bing sink grade. Sink mark expression like a little hole or depressions. Normally appear at intersections of rib and wall or at thickest subdivision. Figure: Sink mark exist on plastic. ( Beginning: hypertext transfer protocol: // ) The option to get the better of:Increase injection force per unit areaIncrease cast temperatureReduce injection velocityAir trapAfter injection procedure, the thaw plastic will get down excessively solidified in the cast. The air occurred during chilling phase because of air trapped in liquefied plastics. This will make an empty infinite within the portion and consequence the quality of merchandise. The solution to get the better of this job by increased the keeping force per unit area. 2.7.5 warpage 2.8Design of experiment ( DOE ) Mention[ 1 ] DRM Associates, 2007.Injection Moulding Glossary. [ on-line ] Available at: & lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // & gt ; [ Accessed 5 September 2010 ]P. K. Kennedy,Practical and Scientific Aspects of Injection Molding Simulation, chapter 2, Technische Universities Eindhoven, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 2008M.C. Huang and C.C. Tai, â€Å"The effectual factors in the warpage job of an injection-molded portion with a thin shell feature† ,J. Mat. Proc. Tech., vol. 110, 2001, pp. 1–9. D.V. Rosato, M.G. Rosato, â€Å"Injection casting handbook†Massachusetts: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000.hypertext transfer protocol: // transfer protocol: // transfer protocol: // hl=en & A ; lr= & A ; id=nxYuCCGQ7Z0C & A ; oi=fnd & A ; pg=PP2 & A ; dq=Crawford, +R. , +1998.+Plastic+Engineering, +3rd+ed.+Oxford: +Butterworth+ % E2 % 80 % 93+Heinemann & A ; ots=ZtSIW48je8 & A ; sig=sKQ9yVYTxsXYqQ2cS — ohC4Pq_g # v=onepage & A ; q=type % 20of % 20gate % 20 & A ; f=false ( roy j. Crawford )hypertext transfer protocol: // transfer protocol: // transfer protocol: //

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Concept analysis paper pain Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Concept analysis paper pain - Essay Example Described in relation to such damage, IASP argues that pain is always personal. Therefore, IASP further argues that it is upon each individual to learn how to apply the word. Consequently, the way through which this individual can learn the application of pain is through his or her experiences in early life, which are related to injury. However, according to some scholars, pain is not at all times unpleasant. Instead, according to Ross and Ross, pain serves both negative and positive functions (Risjord, 2011). Therefore, according to these scholars pain can be used as a warning signal for tissue trauma or as a treatment and diagnosis aid (Kolcaba, 2003). Consequently, in nursing diagnosis, the definition of pain is that is it comes whenever a person experiences and reports to have had an uncomfortable sensation or severe discomfort (Carroll-Johnson, 1989). Therefore, concisely, the pain sensation is dependent to a large extend on the physical stimulus. However, the expression and/or perception of pain in most cases emphasize a more socio-psycho-cultural aspect. The view of pain by both the professional and sociological fields therefore, is that it bears both the negative and positive functions (Meleis, 2011). ... The list is as follows: 1. Selection of the concept; 2. Determination of the purposes or aims of analysis; 3. Identification of all the applications of the concept; 4. Determination of the defining attributes; 5. Construction of a model case; 6. Construction of the contrary, related, illegitimate, invented, and borderline cases; 7. Identification of consequences and antecedents and; 8. The definition of empirical referents Antecedents for the concept The antecedents are described as those incidents or events that occur before the concept of pain (Walker & Avant, 1995). Consequently, in relation to the concept of pain, the cultural, personal, and environmental values act as antecedents. There is also some interrelationship among the three antecedents (Doran, 2011). For instance, there is the relationship between the event triggering the pain and the environmental antecedent. On the other hand, it is the mind or the body of an individual that will get affected by the event (Marriner-To mey & Alligood, 2006). Consequently, the event can cause potential or actual tissue damage leading to the hospitalization, noxious stimulus, or venipuncture in the side of the individual. What also play an important role in this event is the attitude and the knowledge of the individual (Nelson,1993). The way the individual will accept and expect and cope with the pain in this case is going to be determined by this attitude and knowledge acquired from an experience (Larsen & Lubkin, 2009). The personal issue on the other hand includes the individual’s present emotional and physical condition, socio-economic class, gender, and personality (Peterson and Bredow, 2008). The extent of muscle tension, the capacity of the individual to feel the pain, and the sleeping

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

CIF Contracts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

CIF Contracts - Essay Example This law essay outlines peculiar features of CIF contracts. Cost, insurance and freight (CIF) denotes that the vendor delivers when the products pass the ship's bar in the port of consignment. A CIF contract needs the seller to ship at the port of consignment the required products in the underlying agreement of sale, to acquire a agreement of carriage (bill of lading) under which the products will be delivered to the established destination, to organize for insurance that will be obtainable for the advantage of the buyer, to formulate a commercial invoice and lastly to tender these papers to the purchaser who must be prepared and willing to pay the cost of the consigned products. In such a scenario, the ownership of the products may pass either on consignment or on delivery of the documents. The risk normally passes on consignments or as from shipments, but ownership does not pass pending the documents which symbolizes the products are provided in exchange for the cost. As an outcome , the purchaser, after acceptance of the documents, can claim against the transporter for infringement of the agreement of carriage and against the underwriter for any loss enclosed by the policy. In accordance to a CIF contract, the buyer is required to pay against the tender of a genuine bill of lading that guarantees the products contracted to be sold, an insurance document and a saleable invoice that indicates the price.4 The buyer is obliged to make payment against the tender of the respective papers of contract notwithstanding of fact that the products have been damaged or lost at maritime after the shipment.5 In the incident of loss, such as case of study, the buyer (N&Y Ltd) must pay the value on provision of the documents and necessary remedies, if any, will be against the transporter as indicated in the bill of lading or aligned to the underwriter as per the insurance agreement, but not against the seller (A&W Ltd) under the agreement of sale. If the purchaser declines to pay (as indicated in this case) against the papers without any legal justification, the buyer shall be legally responsible to compensate the seller for damage that may outcome, as enacted in Article 150 within the Commercial Transactions Law (Meiselles 2013). Under a CIF agreement, the seller performs the requirements by providing the documents to the buyer. The seller is not required to deliver the products to the agreed destination but the seller is under a negative responsibility not to avert the goods from being delivered to the buyer at their premises. This might be executed by deterring the carrier from delivering products to the buyer or by transferring them to a diverse destination (Meiselles 2013). However, if the agreement contains a section that imposes on the seller an obligation to transport the products to the contracted destination, it is not regarded as a CIF agreement, even if the documents of ‘CIF’ emerge in the contract.   Not all agreements that ar e expressed to be CIF agreements are such. According to Article 155 of the Commercial Transactions Law,6 it is stated that ’a contract which encloses such status as will make the seller accountable for

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Project Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Project - Research Paper Example After this period, consumerism continued to grow in different areas. However, the spirit of consumerism rose to a high after the end of World War II (PBS, 2013). The rise of consumerism at this period was because America production sector had benefited from the war. Consequently, in the late 1940’s, young adults saw a remarkable improvement in their spending habits (PBS, 2013). Moreover, most of the Americans were also keen to spend due to favorable economic times. In America, consumers began to be praised on their spending habits. The habit was depicted as showing patriotism to the nation, and the habit was linked to success on American way of life (PBS, 2013). The later years saw heavy spending on items based on the home and family life. Such of the items included cars, refrigerators, and televisions. Therefore, consumerism has been on the rise in different parts of the globe as compared to the past. Consequently, consumerism has a profound impact on society. According to â €Å"The story of Stuff†, this has led to buying more than we can utilize (You Tube, n.d.). Consequently, there has been a lot of waste, destruction of environment, and government concentrating in services not helping humanity. A reflection on consumerism helps in understanding the effects and solutions to the habit. Section 1 There are many problems associated with consumerism. First, it leads to overexploitation of natural resources (Shah, 2005). The overexploitation of natural resources arises due to increased consumption because of consumerism culture. The resources are overexploited to cater for the ever-rising industries to meet the demands of the societies around the world. The trend is due to consumption increases and hence need for more resources (Shah, 2005). For examples, the overproduction of crops and animals leads to deforestation, land degradation, and contamination of various natural resources. The effects are seen on poor climate due to deforestation, loss of soil fertility and increased toxic substances in water. Moreover, depletion of resources lead to clearing of forests and this pose a challenge to the wildlife and natural habitat. Second, consumerism leads to the establishment of factories that create toxic byproducts. The rise of industries is due to the rise in demand for commodities. For example, the consumption tendencies in some countries have led to need of for various foods, flowers, textiles, and coffee (Shah, 2005). On the other hand, companies use various products to enhance overproduction of commodities in demand. For example, they use chemicals such as pesticides and herbicide for production of quality products and this affects the environment (Shah, 2005). Moreover, consumerism has led to increased migration of people. The migration occurs due to displacement of land from the poor in society and concentrating it to the rich in society (Shah, 2005). The effects are increased hunger and unnecessary stress to those displac ed by large companies and business. Moreover, this may lead to hunger, as land for farming becomes less. On the other hand, migration to bigger cities creates unnecessary stress to cater for the rising population in the areas (Shah, 2005). Additionally, the rise of the population in the cities leads to the emergence of slums, health problems, overcrowding, and antisocial activities. Additionally, the

Monday, August 26, 2019

Strategy Implementation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Strategy Implementation - Essay Example Technology and incentives are not aligned because technology deals with production issues, while incentives deal with human resources. Companies can offer reward for good work acts, while enforcing punishment to implement disciplinary action. Incentives can be offered as a way to motivate employees. Monetary incentives motivate employees a lot due to the fact that compensation is the number one motivator of employees. There a different types of control mechanism in organizations. Five types of controls are bureaucratic control, output control, operational control, market control, and culture control. Bureaucratic control is the use of rules, policies, hierarchy of authority, reward systems and other mechanism that influence the behavior of the employees (Barnat). Output control deals with measures of count. For example the number of units produced during a day is an output control. Market control is used to compare companies. An example of a market control is the prices of stocks in the stock market. Operational control is used to measure efficiency. Culture control deals with the organizational culture of the firm. Culture control can have both positive and negative consequences. Control is a much different concept than technology or incentives. Work Cited Page Barnat, R. 2007. â€Å"Bureaucratic Control† 5 May 2011

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Death penalty should not exist as a punishment for murder or terrorism Essay

Death penalty should not exist as a punishment for murder or terrorism - Essay Example Countries like the United States have retained the death penalty punishment for murder and terrorism convicts in the country. Though the categories of murder may differ, cold blood murder or homicides suspects are faced with death penalty in the United States. Though the death penalty continues to become unpopular in different parts of the world including Europe and even the United States itself, some countries have retained it. The united states, for example, continue to send murder convicts to the gallows through various ways as captured in the country’s penal code (Barner 2014). Human rights activists across the globe have continually argued that the death penalty is illegal and against the universal bill of rights and should be abandoned. Such discussions have created different opinions towards this emotive topic as opponents and proponents argue against and for the death penalty. Though some states in the United States have shown intentions of abandoning the death penalty, others have stick to the tradition, arguing that murder convicts have no right to life. To fully understand and develop a common position on this topic, there is need for a deep research on the topic (Fletcher 2014).

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Access to health care system Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Access to health care system - Essay Example 83). It is said that infant mortality and life expectancy provide a glimpse of the population health; meaning, this signals a problem for the U.S. healthcare system. France has a public-private collaboration of hospital and ambulatory care, reinforced by higher resources of care and services. Ambulatory care for the poor is provided by both the U.S. federal and local government units which can be attained from county or municipal hospital, local health authorities, or other not-for-profit health organizations. France’s current health insurance scheme encompasses about 80% of the French population, including illegal immigrants, and spends about 9.5% of its gross domestic product (GDP) for healthcare. The U.S. spends 16% of its GDP for healthcare. Canada spends about 10% of GDP for healthcare annually (Romanow, 2005, p. 527) and ranks eighth in global healthcare spending (OECD, 2008 as cited in Kelly & Tazbir, 2014, p. 49). Access to healthcare does not only mean large spending in healthcare services but needs a system involving a collaborative effort from the various sectors of society to answer to the increasing demand of healthcare from a growing population. Canada and France spend a smaller share of their GDP on healthcare than the United States does, but in statistics on infant mortality and life expectancy they appeared to be better (Wendel et al., 2014). In a survey on patient satisfaction, Canadians and Americans had quite the same results, 46% for Canadians and 40% for Americans, saying that they were â€Å"fairly or very satisfied† (Richard-Kortun, 2010, p. 123). A study by O’Neill and O’Neill (2007 as cited in Wendel et al., 2014) compared U.S. and Canada healthcare data, focusing on cancer incidence and mortality rate. Healthcare reflects population health. The authors revealed that cancer-related deaths were higher in the U.S. than in Canada, for both men and women. The authors also revealed

Friday, August 23, 2019

MAP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

MAP - Essay Example In order to better the performance of students who are perhaps still in grade 2 or grade 5, various modern assessments kits have been developed to help students, parents and teachers monitor the progress of the children so that the final objectives of learning are realized through a computerized adaptive test device. Various methods of assessments which have been formulated recently to facilitate learning include MAP test method which is an acronym of the term Measure of Academic Progress. MAP was introduced to students around 2005 in order to help teachers, children and school administrators find the best methods possible to help improve learning and the performance of students. MAP works under the principle that the more grades or marks a student scores, the more the difficult his or her tests are likely to be in future. The computer which is used for the assessment and storage of results of students is thus programmed in a way that it stores all the information of students includi ng their progress in the continuous assessment tests done (DeLong 60). The Measure of Academic Progress depends on various tests administered to students during specified sessions, most preferably during the first few weeks in school. The MAP sessions cover various areas studied in schools and the probability of each student answering questions correctly determines how difficult the progressive questions will be. That is to say, when a child answers questions correctly in one test it means that the next test has to be difficult. That is when it would be possible to determine the academic progress of the child. Likewise, children who have difficulties answering questions are always given simpler questions in the next tests in order to determine if they grasped the content which was taught earlier on. This method is an effective tool for assessing students’ capabilities because of the fact that it focuses on a student’s strengths and weaknesses rather than a whole class. It therefore helps teachers in knowing the ability of each student since each student has the opportunity to do unique tests. Measure of Academic Progress of students is also important because the progressive test helps determine the intelligent quotient of children. Through this, teachers are able to identify children who are gifted and talented. It is equally vital to students because they are able to gauge their potential (Frederiksen, Mislevy and Bejar 382). Theoretically, it is right for curricular designers to employ this technology in assessing the progress of children in schools since it cannot be assumed that every child is intellectually prepared to move to the next grade. However, the MAP method has limitations. For example, it can demoralize students who might feel looked down upon given the fact that the more a student fails in an assessment test the simpler the subsequent tests become. Some students therefore are bound to take the whole test as a specimen for ridiculi ng them because they are tested on simpler things as compared to children who are brighter and are given more difficult work (Skipi 74). On the contrary, even though the application of the MAP in schools set up has bottlenecks, it is not just important to center on the limitations without considering its advantages as a primary tool for doing assessment.. Its function